The fresh start tattoo removal program, inc. (an official 501(c)3 organization) is a nationwide community program that removes visible gang and prison tattoos off of former gang members for free to help these people get jobs and improve the quality of their lives. with employment, there is a much lower return to prison rate.. Tattoo removal programs— directory of u.s. clinics and services. removing visible tattoos, especially those that are antisocial or related to gangs, will improve your chances of finding employment.. Removal can also be expensive, but many organizations and local governments offer free tattoo removal for ex-gang members, ex-offenders and others. many of these, however, are specifically for youth in their teens or 20s, and at the time of this writing, most of the ones we know about are in california..
Homies unidos works in collaboration with two local clinics to provide tattoo removal services to local youth and adults with visible gang-related tattoos (on their face, neck, hands or forearms) who are pursuing employment opportunities or educational advancement.. By filling out this form of consent i understand that this free procedure is only for tattoo removal of visible areas (hands, neck and face) only. i also understand that tattoo removal is a process that requires more then one procedure.. We head to los angeles where homeboy industries has started a program to help former gang members remove their visible tattoos, a step towards helping them change the direction of their lives..
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